Heres an interesting little joint for you reader (stolen from the 561boss kinda)
Whats good Kyle Kessler?
"Chillen listening to music"
Good Surf or a good skate spot?
"That all depends.. now if its like head high barrels out there, im down for the good surf ya know. but if its head high blown out.. for sure the skate spot"
Blonde or Burnette or would get wild and go for the FIRE?
"hahahah.. thats a tuffy man, probly go for the brunette cause for some reason theres something about them that sticks out to me.. theres all kinds of gorgeous blondes out there its hard to come bye a really good looking brunette."
Nadi light or Bud light?
"Depends on the cash, if im lookin for a chillin relaxing beer, thats budlight hands down but if im looking for a long night.. nadi light"
727 or 772?
"Throwin the tuff ones at me arnt ya Mr.Boucher, im gonna have to rep the home town on this one..772"
Life or Cryan or Rob and Big?(no real good answer for this)
"Rob an Big hands down.. thats like me an u man"
Favorite all time skate video?
Flip video SORRY.. has my fav. skater mark appleyard so thats probably it,that or the new element video right there with it
and thats whats good with Kyle Kessler