Weekends of blurs, that says alot in this town and even two hours up north in Bro-Town. This weekend started out with partying till 5 a.m with John and Mitch and going straight up north as soon as Davids. Saturday consisted of a full spot tour and some gnar going down as usual. Come night time Mitch and I were ready to call it a night and when we thought we were going to another spot David made a legendary move and brought us to Party City for wrist band. You can imagine how hyped that got us, and we partied on. As usual there was some drama bunched into this trip but nothing to big. The next morning we went to this school to get warmed up, and then the day commenced. land pirates pushes and driving.
(photos from this weekend)
(land pirate slick)
(john stressing)
(trick of the week)
P.S keep a look out for David's new video In my neighborhood 2. I got to peep it a little and its going to be sick